Bedriftspresentasjon med AkerBP

Tidspunkt Tirsdag 20.08
kl. 12:00
Sted Rom: Java på IFI
Mat Pizza
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Lunch arrangement med AkerBP!

Aker BP invites you to the Digital Presentation Day at UiO on Tuesday, August 20th, from 12:00 to 13:00! This will be an inspiring event where top professionals share their insights and expertise in the field.


You will also learn about exciting job opportunities, our summer student and graduate programs, and there will be pizza!


Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and explore your future in the digital landscape of oil and gas. We are looking forward to seeing you there!”

AkerBP logo



Ånund Kielland Jore profilbilde


Ånund Kielland Jore
Ånund Kielland Jore profilbilde


Eirik Langholm
Ånund Kielland Jore profilbilde


Victor Uhnger